Our Story
Back in the 70s, Mick Guttau dreamed of farming like his parents and grandparents. Unfortunately, that dream did not become reality. Instead, Mick worked at a local community bank in Treynor, Iowa as a loan officer for several years. With lots of responsibilities as a newlywed to his wife, Judy and to their budding family, a new adventure was about to begin.
As Mick looked back on his time growing up in southwest Iowa, he was grateful for the strong leaders in his life and the close-knit community of Treynor where he grew up. Unlike many of his friends, Mick had survived the Vietnam War. Most that did make it back alive, were not treated kindly. Thankfully, the Treynor community welcomed him back, with open arms. That gesture would have a lasting effect on how he would view his community and operate his future family business.
Mick knew he had an entrepreneurial hunger and was not afraid of hard work. When the current owner of the bank approached him in 1978 about buying the bank, he and Judy were determined to try and make it work. They knew this rare opportunity would be a chance to repay the community, including farmers, businesses and families, in the place they loved. They knew it was important to keep a community bank in their small town, as community banking is the key to a community’s survival.
Although he never would become a farmer, the generations of his family farmers before him who stewarded the land and made the sacrifices to own their land, were the reason he was able to use the farm ground as collateral and purchase the bank. It was a huge risk to put the family’s legacy on the line, but one Mick’s family was willing to take.

Mick and Judy worked side-by-side for many years (and still do today), growing the bank and building long-standing relationships eventually paying back the loan to his family. As time went on, Mick took on leadership roles in the banking industry, both in Iowa and in the nation while Judy headed up marketing. She was a great example of finding rhythm in family, work and community giving. The culture established by Mick and Judy Guttau over the past 40 years, along with introductions from the next generation, has jump-started the company to new opportunities to DO MORE GOOD.
As their children grew into professional adults, they became involved in the family business. Heidi, Mick and Judy's daughter and local attorney, joined the board in 2000 and their son, Josh, who was working in finance in Omaha, eventually became CEO in 2008. Under Josh Guttau’s leadership, the bank continues to expand and make an impact, all while still being intentional to mission-driven principles. Expanding to Macedonia and then the Council Bluffs market and eventually into Atlantic, Corning and now Ames, TS Bank now truly serves the community of southwest Iowa.
Next, read about our team or our mission.